Partners of the conference
Morning Coffee sponsor: Delingua
Delingua is a leading Finnish Language Service Provider dedicated to offering translation and interpreting services in any language.
As part of the international LanguageWire group, Delingua offers a wide range of smart and efficient language service solutions based on cutting-edge technology and talented people. Our AI-driven translation platform is designed to simplify the way you work and engage any audience in the world.
Lunch sponsor: Lingsoft
Lingsoft is the largest Finnish language services company, the leading language technology provider in the Nordic countries, an official translation provider to the government and a trusted language partner for businesses. We offer agile translation, subtitling and transcription services, as well as diverse speech recognition and text analytics solutions. We can help you solve linguistic accessibility problems, whether they are to do with multilingualism, visual and audio content or accurate official language.
Afternoon Coffee sponsor: Youpret
Youpret is a Finnish interpreting company. We provide high-quality interpreting services to thousands of customers in more than 100 languages. Our customers particularly value the ease of our services. Professional interpreters are an important part of our success. You can conveniently book an interpreter with the Youpret mobile app, on our website or by calling our customer service.
Name Badge sponsor: Semantix
Semantix is a pioneer in language technology with a long history of growth.
Semantix is a member of the global TransPerfect family of companies, the world’s largest global provider of language and technology solutions. Semantix provides high-quality translation, interpreting, consulting and language technology services to both the private and public sector. Our network of more than 2 000 translators and linguists, covering over 170 languages is at your disposal.
After Work sponsor: NTIF
The Nordic Translation and Interpretation Forum (NTIF AB) is a yearly translation industry conference organized in different Nordic and Baltic cities. The aim is to gather translation companies from the Nordics and Baltics interested in topics on regional matters, trends, tenders, vendor management and in addition to that, technology all around our theme Community and Business. Join us in Tallinn, Estonia, 6-8 November 2023. Find more information here:

memoQ is a leading collaborative translation environment and TMS delivering premium solutions to the translation industry since 2004. memoQ is dedicated to delivering innovation through diverse developments that today help tens of thousands of freelance translators, translation companies, and enterprises worldwide. Having both simplicity and effective translation processes in mind, memoQ combines ease of use, collaboration, interoperability, and leverage in a single tool.